Apricots are members of the rose family and closely related to the plum, peach, cherry, and almond. Apricots' diversity is found in their many colours. These colours can be white, black, gray, and pink. Flavours are equally varied as are the sizes, which can range from that of a pea to that of a peach.
It is a supreme delicacy cherished for its sweetness. The range of colour does not affect the flavour, but it does affect the carotene content. The deeper the colour, the more Vitamin A it contains, as well as more Vitamins C and E and potassium. The fresh fruit is rich in easily-digestible natural sugars, vitamins A and C, riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3).
Dried apricots are especially rich in carotenes, which are the natural yellow pigments that the body uses to make Vitamin A. Dried apricots have a far greater nutritional value than the fresh ones because all the nutrients are concentrated.

According to the American Cancer Society, apricots, and other foods rich in carotenes, may lower the risk of cancers of the larynx, esphagus, and lungs. Apricots also provide potassium, iron, calcium, silicon, phosphorus, and Vitamin C. The copper and cobalt in apricots is beneficial in treating anemia, but should be used cautiously during pregnancy and in cases of diarrhea. In some animal studies, dried apricots were just as effective as liver, kidneys, or eggs in the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia.
Apricots are good potassium-replacers for those on diuretics, but there is some debate among nutritionists whether the form of potassium found in apricots (potassium gluconate) is as easily absorbed by the body as such other forms as potassium citrate or potassium chloride.
Eating Apricots will promote body natural cures.Prostate Cancer: Apricots are a rich source of the carotenoid, lycopene. Choosing to eat lycopene-rich foods and regularly drink green tea may greatly reduce a man's risk of developing prostate cancer, suggests research published the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Jian L, Lee AH, et al.)
Anemia: The high content of iron in apricot makes it an excellent food for anemia sufferers. The small but essential amount of copper in the fruit makes the iron available to the body. Liberal consumption of apricot can increase the production of hemoglobin in the body. This is ideal for women after their menstrual cycle, especially those with heavy flow.
Constipation: The cellulose and pectin content in apricot is a gentle laxative and are effective in the treatment of constipation. The insoluble cellulose acts as a roughage which helps the bowel movement. The pectin absorbs and retains water, thereby increasing bulk to stools, aiding in smooth bowel movement.
Digestion: Take an apricot before meal to aid digestion, as it has an alkaline reaction in the digestive system.
Eyes/Vision: The high amount of vitamin A (especially when dried) is essential to maintain or improve eyesight. Insufficiency of this vitamin can cause night blindness and impair sight.
Fever: Blend some honey and apricots with some mineral water and drink to cool down fevers. It quenches the thirst and effectively eliminates the waste products from the body.
Skin Problem: Juice fresh apricot leaves and apply on scabies, eczema, sun-burn or skin itchiness, for that cool, soothing feeling.
Apricots are so versatile that they can be eaten raw or cooked, dried, canned, or frozen, and served in countless ways in sweet or savory dishes.