BAD BREATH or HALITOSIS is not only a sing of ill- health but it is also a social stigma. It is general in many people at all times and in all people some of the time. Unfortunately, most people who offend in this respect are completely unaware of their problem and the discomfort they cause to others.
Root of problems
The most common cause of halitosis is BAD TEETH and GUM conditions. Dental decay at the roots, holes in the teeth may provide a place where GERMS can multiply and release stinking orders.
Other causes of halitosis are any conditions of the nerves, throat, respiratory tract, or stomach which are associated with chronic infection or local upsets of one sort or another, such as chronic tonsillitis, lung diseases like chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis, chronic gastritis and sinuses which cause a discharge at the back of the throat.
Most cases of bad breath, however, are caused by gastro-intestinal disorders, intestinal sluggishness and particularly by chronic Constipation.
The unpleasant odour results from an exceptionally large amount of waste matter
expelled through the lungs. Chewing pan and tobacco and smoking are other causes of bad breath. The diseases like anaemia may also lead to unpleasant breath.
In case of constipation, all measures should be adopted for its eradication. The patient should AVOID reined carbohydrate foods, such as white sugar,white bread and prdoucts made from them as well as flesh foods and egg. Even whole grain bread should be eaten sparingly.
The patient should also avoid over eating of any kind of foods. He should eat six to eight soaked prunes and a few dried and soaked figs with breakfast. He must also drink the water in which these fruits were soaked. He should also take plenty of liquids and drink six to eight glasses of water daily. This will help eliminate bad breath.
The teeth should be cleaned regularly twice a day especially before going to bed at night. Metal particles should be removed carefully with toothpicks. In case of decaying teeth and swollen and bleeding gums, a dentist should be consulted. Munching a raw apple or guava after lunch removes most of the trapped particles.
Using Siwak is the best method for cleaning teeth and gums as well as preventing bad breath. Siwak are the wicks that are used to rub inside the mouth, and they get their name from the Arabic word “yudlik,” which can be roughly translated to mean “massage” (i.e., massage the inside of the mouth). It means more than “tooth brush.”
Like a toothbrush, the wicks on the siwak clean between the teeth and do not break under any amount of pressure; rather, they are flexible and strong. The small wicks bend to the appropriate shape to get plaque and leftover food out from in between teeth while avoiding any damage to the gums.
The leftovers of food found between teeth provide an excellent environment for the festering of millions of bacteria, which can lead to painful and bloody gum disease and cysts. In the worst cases, there can be inflammation of the jawbones.
Bacteria also produce damaging enzymes that eat away at the calcium of the teeth, which causes cavities. In severe cases, the bacteria produce gases that emit nasty stenches from the mouth. Recent studies have found that siwak has natural minerals that kill microbes and germs and remove plaque.
Click here to learn more about Siwak
Other Remedies
Another effective remedy for bad breath is to eat raw fruits.
Avocodo (kulu naspati) which is far superior to any mouth lotion or remedies for this condition. It effectively removes intestinal putrefaction or decomposition which is one of the most important causes of bad breath.
Unripe Guava (amrud) is useful in halitosis. It is rich in tannic, malic, oxalic and phosphoric acids as well as calcium, oxalate and manganese. Chewing it is an excellent tonic for the teeth and gums. It helps cure bleeding from gums due to stypic effect and stops bad breath.
Chewing tender leaves of guava tree also stops bleeding from gums and bad breath.
All fruit and vegetable juices are beneficial in the treatment of BAD BREATH and should be taken liberally by those suffering from this disorder. Juices from fruits like apple, grape-fruit, (chakatora), lemon and pineapple, and vegetables like tomato, carrot and celery are especially beneficial.
3 Responses to “Bad Breath”
Hi there. I've been using siwak / miswak for a week now and it did brilliantly to my mouth. Thanks for your information. =)
Hi there. I've been using siwak / miswak for a week now and it did brilliantly to my mouth. Thanks for your information. =)
siwak has been used for centuries and still being used until today. So it is good :D
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