The old classic form of fasting was a pure water fast, most of the leading authorities on fasting today agree that juice fasting is far superior to a water fast.
Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and trace elements in fresh, raw vegetable and fruit juices are extremely beneficial in normalizing all the body processes. They supply essential elements for the body’s own healing activity and cell renegeration and thus speeding the recovery. All juices should be prepared from fresh fruit immediately before drinking.
Canned or frozen juices should not be used.
A lot of energy is spent during the fast in the process of eliminating accumulated poisons and toxic waste materials. It is, therefore, of utmost importance that the patients gets as much physical rest and mental relaxation as possible during the fast.
Benefits of Juice Fasting
Juice fasting cleanses the body while supplying a remarkable increase in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Cancer cells, toxins, built-up chemicals, excess body fat, transformed fatty acids, impacted mucus in the bowel, sickness and disease are all dramatically impacted.
Living fruit and vegetable juices are radiating with healing properties. Antioxidants attach themselves to toxins, effectively removing them from the body. A living fuel that takes no digestive energies, allowing the body's entire focus to be on healing and rejuvenation. Packed with vitamins, minerals, living enzymes, antioxidants, phytochemicals, yet low enough in calories to force the body to cannibalize on its filthy waste, propelling you to vigorous physical health and clarity of mind.
During fasting, the building of new and healthy cells are speeded up by the amino acids released from the diseased cells. The capacity of the eliminative organs, that is, lungs, liver, kidneys and the skin is greatly increased as they are relieved of the usual burden of digesting food and eliminating the resultant wastes. They are, therefore, able to quickly expel old accumulated wastes and toxins.
Fasting affords a physiological rest to the digestive, assimilative and protective organs. As a
result, the digestion of food and the utilization of nutrients is greatly improved after fasting. The
fast also exerts a normalizing, stabilizing and rejuvenating effect on all the vital physiological,
nervous and mental functions.
Natural Juice Miracle Contents
Fruit and vegetable juices are the cleansers, energizers, builders, and regenerators of the human system. A combination of either fresh raw fruit or vegetable juices will supply all the enzymes, vitamins, minerals, protein, and fats critical to increased vitality!
Juice Fast Removes Toxins–Eliminates life-robbing toxins that hinder the body's God-given recuperative abilities.
Juice Fast Increases Nutrients–Floods the body with nutrients that energize the body's natural regenerative abilities.
How much juice should i drink?
You should get as much fresh air as possible and should drink plain lukewarm water when thirsty. Fresh juices may be diluted with pure water. The total liquid intake should be approximately six to eight glasses or more. Just remember not to drink until you bloat up!
References - Freedomyou, About Alternative Medicine, Juice Fasting dot org
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