The Natural Approach for Beauty

Are you the type of person who just don't have time to go to any beauty shop, or cant afford a cosmetic surgeon? or you are the " Natural Cures minded " person, where anything in this world must have a natural cures to deal with any diseases.

Here's a few tips for natural ways of beauty:
  • Try the "council-house face lift", a high, tight ponytail that makes the face and neck so taut that even posture is improved.
  • Get a cheap trout pout by mixing Vaseline with sugar and massage it into lips.
  • Forget expensive laser whitening for teeth; bleach them naturally by rubbing strawberries over them.
  • Age spots: instead of laser treatment and expensive creams, dab vinegar on them daily until they fade, or rub them with the inside of banana skins.
  • Youthful complexion; no need for microdermabrasions, use the inside of Mango or Papaya skin to exfoliate.
  • Forget seaweed wraps; massage cellulite with coffee grains while in the shower.
Source - The Times

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