Boosting Brain Power

Exercising to boost brain power

Exercise does boost brain power, As we grow older, keeping fit feed the brain with oxygen and maintain mental alertness. In one study, sedentary older people showed improvement in various mental tasks after four months of moderate exercise.

To function, the brain depends on Glucose (sugar) and oxygen carried in cardiovascular system. If there are insufficient amount of these, brain cells die, giving weight to the old adage that if you dont use it, you lose it.

Some researchers belief that exercise requiring co-ordination and mental agility, such as tennis, may generate more connection between nerve cells.

There is a saying says :



2 Responses to “Boosting Brain Power”

mr.eim said...
10:05 AM

interesting facts you got here..

i like it ..


Noor Ashraaf said...
12:08 PM

hehe tengkiu2 trying hard myselve