A good night sleep is often the best way to cope with stress, solve problems or recuperate from illness. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) [dreaming] and NON-REM (NREM) [ deep sleep] are the types of sleep that occur when you sleep.
- Avoid large meals and stimulants(caffeine, alcohol, tobacco)
- Don’t go to bed hungry
- Take aerobic exercises during the day to reduce stress hormones, but avoid anything too strenuous within 3 hours of sleep. Regular exercises may promote deeper sleep.
- Go to bed at regular time
- Avoid napping late in the afternoon.
- Stop work an hour before bedtime to calm mental activity.
- During bedtime, keep your mind off worries or things that upset you.
- Make sure room is ventilated and a comfortable temperature (below 24 degree celcius/75 Fahrenheit.
- Keep Bedroom for sleeping only not for your workplace.
- If you cant sleep or if you wake up, go into another room and read a book or watch TV until you feel sleepy.
- Learn relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation and practice it in bed.
- If early daylight disturbs sleep, use an eye mask or invest in heavy curtains.
- Sleep in Complete DARKNESS if can.
- A hot bath before sleep relaxes your body.
A picture shows brainwave when you sleep
How much sleep do we need?
Insomnia ? cannot go to sleep? try those steps given above, the results are great for me. If you still cant, try to take vitamin B, or contact your physician before taking any sleeping pills.
3 Responses to “THE VALUE OF SLEEP”
dah bley tido nyenyak lah nanti ek?
boleh tdo dah,, 8 jam sehari :D best woo
Anyone who cannot sleep, just try these methods :D , the results are quite good. I sleep soundly now.
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