Conventional Diagnosis VS Complimentary Diagnosis
Conventional doctors look for recognizable symptoms and clinical signs to enable specific disease to be identified and treatment prescribe. Example= (1-5)
2.CLINICAL SIGNS (Red Throat, raised temperature, swollen lymph nodes in the neck)
3.TEST (Blood count shows increased white cells)
4.DISEASE ( Streptococcal infection)
5.TREATMENT (antibiotics)
Complementary Diagnosis
- Complimentary practitioners use wide range of diagnostic techniques, assessing factors such as physical and emotional health, lifestyle, and personality. A clinical ecologist, example = (1-5)
1.ILLNESS (frequent cold and sore throat)
2.CLINICAL SIGNS (look exhausted, poor circulation in skin, swollen glands in the neck, bloated abdomen)
3.TEST (A diary of dietary intake, and an exclusion diet to establish any food intolerances)
4.CONDITION ( Poor Ability to absorb nutrients due to the food intolerance)
5.TREATMENT (Restore energy with diet and supplements, and exclude irritant foods)
I guess better to do Conventional Diagnosis after all, where it is much more accurate. So readers be aware of this because complementary diagnosis examiner may need more information on you to treat you better. So if you taken any other prescribed drugs, do any medical diagnoses or if you have any other symptoms, always tell the practitioner about it earlier alright? .
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